My first day working as a nurse!

September 24, 2016

My first day went as good as any first day can be expected to go. Of course, I barely got any sleep the night before and had to be up super early! Well, earlier than what I have been getting up at.

I got to work on time, even with a minor issue of missing my exit.
I just started listening to audiobooks while I am driving and I guess I was just too caught up in the book The Good Girl. Let me know if you have read it.

It was a good thing I found where our Kronos (timecard) machine and staff room were during my unit orientation. And since it was my first day, I was able to pick out my own locker! I feel so official. haha.

I met my preceptor for the second time and she is honestly so sweet. She had report sheets all ready for me and gave me great advice along the way.

Since it was my first day, I started out with two patients. They were both relatively light, but I still struggled with my time management. Not to mention that the unit has their own requirements that I was not aware of.  For example, all the even times are when the nurses round. Depending on what round it is, you either have to document pain, if fall interventions are implemented, and what position the patient is in OR pain, fall interventions, position, IV site, and respirations. Our CNAs round on the odd numbers.

I felt very overwhelmed. During lunch, I texted one of my best friends telling her that I felt so lost and like I did not know everything. I have a lot to learn on my floor with all the cancer history and chemo drugs being administered. As of this moment, I do not have my chemo provider card. I should have it by next September! I also have plans to become a certified oncology nurse in two years.

I also was very overwhelmed having to learn a whole new eMR, IV poles, Omnicell, and other protocols. The only time I was able to run to the bathroom apart from lunch and after my shift, I wanted to break down and cry. I felt like the last three years I spent learning the systems during clinical was for a waste. I realize though that the concepts are the same. I just have all the information in a different view point. I know that I will get the hang of it in time, but I am a perfectionist and hoped for something different I guess.

Here is a run down of my day:

0530: Wake up +Get Dressed
0540: Make breakfast + Finish hair
0550: Brush Teeth + Grab lunch from fridge
0555: On way to car!
0630: Arrive at hospital + begin gathering information about my patients for the day
0657: Clock in + log into Vocera
0700: Grab report from PM nurses
0730: Check my patients chart + worklist manager (medication list)
0800: Safety huddle with charge nurse + round on all patients--head to toe assessment, PCA checks, Vital signs
0900: Must have sepsis screen charted + administer medications
1000: Round on patients
1100: Rounding with charge nurse, case manager, and clinical director
1200: Round on patients + assessments must be charted
1300: Hopefully grab lunch in between medication administration
1400: Round on patients
1500: Document Evalysis projection for next shift + update I/Os
1600: Round on patients + Document patient plan of care and education
1700: Complete charting
1800: Round on patients + Complete chart check
1900: Give handoff report
1930: Hopefully clock out if my charting is complete

So that is just a simple outline of how my days will go. Of course I am administering medications at all times of the day as well as consulting with nutrition, doctors, PT, RT, OT, and other staff members. It can get a little hectic.

I am thankful that my first day was only two patients. One of which was just stating another day for observation and had very little medication to be administered.

My next day will be a lot busier as I am now in care of three patients. I am super blessed to have such a supportive team, unit director, and preceptor. I will continue to let you know how it goes!

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